Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Research Paper Assignment

Assignment: Write a researched, MLA-style essay on a topic of your choice. 

S/CTP = five-paragraph essay
H = 3-page essay

Process: Please begin with the KRHS Library Media Center webpage databases (the passwords are on the LMC website).  Use those databases to help develop a topic – ideally one that you might have some interest in, but not one that you already know lots about.  Develop a “BIG Question” which will guide your research, and “Sub-questions” that you will try to answer along the way.  Sift through some of the database articles to find the ones that look like they might be helpful.  Create “Notetaking Template” notes-sheets—3-5 of them.  When you are ready, try answering your “BIG Question,” and use your answer to help organize your essay.  Write the essay following the MLA format we have studied in class.  Submit for feedback and revisions.  Finally (whew!) … publish, reflect, and be proud of yourself.  Smiley face J.


Exemplary (4)
Accomplished (3)      
Developing (2)         
Beginning (1)
Identifying Problem/Question
(Critical Thinking)
Clearly identifies a BIG Question well-suited to the length and complexity of the assignment, actively employs library resources and  pre-search skills to develop sub-questions with a sincere intent to discover new knowledge.
Adequately identifies the BIG Question, uses library resources and  pre-search skills to develop sub-questions.
Can, with limited assistance, develop questions based on prior and new information.
Needs significant assistance to develop  questions.
Critically Evaluates Sources (Information Literacy)
Selects and evaluates highly appropriate and relevant sources and delves into references taking into consideration factors such as credibility, reliability, currency and information purpose; explores a variety of formats (books, primary sources, journals, electronic sources) and utilizes references within these sources for further inquiry.
Selects mostly appropriate and relevant sources; considers multiple factors such as currency, author credibility, and bias in a variety of formats (books, databases, journals, electronic sources).
Selects sources with inconsistent criteria and makes little attempt to balance format types.
Identifies no appropriate sources in any format.
Extract information /Takes Notes (Information Literacy)
Extracts relevant information and poses new questions based on findings; uses KRHS notetaking template to record notes and (edited!) quotes, insights, reactions, ideas for how to use key information, and questions for further inquiry.
Extracts mostly relevant information; uses KRHS notetaking templates to record notes, quotes, and comments about the material; suggests some ideas for how to use new information.
Extracts information that is not relevant; notes do not include direct quotations as evidence; limited responses to the material and how to use it.

No evidence of notes or reflections.

Citations and Documentation
(Information Literacy)
Uses MLA Works Cited and in-text formatting to cites all sources of information accurately (error free); demonstrates the credibility and authority of the information presented.
Cites most sources of information in proper format (infrequent minor errors) and documents sources to enable accuracy checking.
Inconsistencies with MLA formatting and and little or no supporting documentation to check accuracy.
No evidence of citations or sources.
Organization and Clarity (Effective Communication)
Superb organization of thoughts and purpose; organizes material around a clearly defined thesis statement; uses paragraphing, topic sentences, and transitions as clear navigational signals for the intended audience; main points explicitly identified, fluid, and explained with masterful detail and confidence.
Strong organization of thoughts and purpose; includes a thesis statement, topic sentences, and some transition words; main points effectively identified and explained with interesting and logical development and supporting details.
Some organization of thoughts and purpose; generalized points that are fragmented and difficult to follow.

Little to no organization; thoughts with no clear purpose.
Innovative Thinking (Critical Thinking)
Creates an original idea, question, solution, or product uniquely suited to the task; creates original thoughts, conclusions, and new knowledge.
Re-creates existing ideas in a new context relevant to the task with some original thoughts and conclusions; ideas and elements of source materials remain.

Makes slight change(s) or developments on existing ideas from source materials.
No synthesis or new knowledge.   

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